Our Life

Sometimes, things get so busy and time flies right before your eyes... Now that I have three beautiful sons, I see that more and more. I want to be able to remember all those special moments. I want to be able and go back and almost feel like I was there again. This blog is going to serve that purpose....As long as I find the time to update it.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

This Boy

How is it that I feel that in the time it takes to write this sentence feels exactly like how much time has passed for my firstborn to be graduating from 5th grade? Where has the time gone? It seems like yesterday, I was knee deep in poopy diapers and spit up and now, he is a beautiful, kind,and generous young man.


He is the one that helped me learn to be a mama.. He is the one that helped me heal when my heart was broken from losing my own mother...
He is now growing up and I have to accept it.

I will start to loosen my grip but for now, we got to enjoy his last field trip. A ride on the Miss Buffalo. I am lucky because Anthony is not embarassed by me. He actually likes when I am at his field trips or activities... Most kids don't want their parents within a 10 foot range. I am LUCKY and I embrass this. This boy loves him Mama...


I was glad to be a part of this trip. It is a rite of passage for them. It is amazing to see how much they have all grown since Kindergarten.


I am sure Anthony will leave elementary school with fond memories. He has built some really strong friendships that I hope last a life time.



I wish nothing but the best for you, Anthony... As much as you think you are growing, you will always be my baby. It might take me a while to loosen that grip, but it s just because I love you so much. I wish I could freeze time and be able to savor this moment. You are an amazing young man and nothing but greatness is in store for you!! I am proud to e your Mom and love you with all my heart.