I know this post is late but like I said, I am still getting used to this. I need to pay tribute to the father of my children no matter how late it is.
When I started dating Brian, I knew right from the start that he was special. We clicked right away like we were always meant to be together. All it took was one date and it has been a fairy tale every since. He is the man of my dreams. Actually, he is the man that has made all of my dreams come true. I never in my wildest dreams thought that I would have the life I am living right now. Not to say that we don't have our ups and downs but the difference is that we know how to weather the storms and grow stronger from them.
If I only had one word to describe Brian as a father, it would be ...AMAZING....He is the kind of father that every woman would want for their children. He is the most involved father that I know. He is gentle, patient, kind, funny, loving, and playful. He is not afraid to show our boys love. He is not afraid to show our boys his emotions. He always make sure that they see me as a Queen. He is at every event that he can attend and our boys know that they are the most important to him. He makes them all feel special. My heart leaps when he can get our 3 month old to smile just by saying hello to him. Brian will drop everything if one of the boys asks him to play with them. He doesn't want to miss a minute or regret not spending enough time so he makes the best of any time he has with them. He is the best Daddy and we love him all the way up to the sky. Happy Father's Day...We hope you enjoyed it :)