My husband and I spent the last 5 years going back and forth on whether to have another child or not. We already had two boys and life is pretty choatic as it is. We both work full time and both boys are in a lot of activities and sports. Plus with our youngest one being 5, things were getting really easy. We could just get up and go...No diaper bags, No naps, no cracky babies.... But both of us knew that something was missing. Our family was not complete. Over the summer we decided that we would try one more time. We tried for a daughter but as luck and God would have it, we were blessed with another son, Nicholas Matthew on March 24th. He is just amazing. He was just what we needed. I now feel that our family is complete. He fits in just perfectly. Our other two boys just adore him and I am so glad that we made the decision to go for it. Our lives are going to be a little more chaotic for the moment but what a blessing it is.
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