Our Life
Sometimes, things get so busy and time flies right before your eyes... Now that I have three beautiful sons, I see that more and more. I want to be able to remember all those special moments. I want to be able and go back and almost feel like I was there again. This blog is going to serve that purpose....As long as I find the time to update it.
Friday, December 23, 2011
12 Years
It is truly amazing that I am sitting here right now writing about Anthony turning 12. I remember when his little, wet slippery body was placed in my arms. All 6lbs 8oz's of him. He changed my life. He made me a mama. He made everything change for me. I was now responsible for another human being and anyone that tells you that's a piece of cake is lying. Parenting has been the hardest thing I have ever done but also the most rewarding. The responsibility is hugh but I am so up for th challenge. As I reflect, on these past 12 years, I can honestly say I have done the best that I could and I am pretty happy with the results. Anthony is a GREAT kid! He is becoming such a fine young man. He is loving and generous and thinks about others and how to make them happy. He is good to his little brothers and for the most part listens to us (He is a pre-teen so he loves to push the buttons sometimes)but all in all, I am very proud of him. He works hard in school and knows the importance of doing well. He takes pride in his work. He is a great friend and has this amazing way of connecting with people. I love his confidence. He can walk into a room of strangers and walk out with a number of friends. I wish I could be more like him. He is beautiful...more and more as he gets older. He has a smile to die for and he is funny. I am blessed to have such a wonderful son and I only hope one day he knows just how much I love him and how much he changed my life for the good. It is bittersweet to watch your children grow. As much as you enjoy seeing them grown and become their own, it is sad because they are no longer your babies. Every year you lose a little bit more as you give them more control over their choices and you can only hope you have done a good enough job raising them to make the right decisions. This is defining year for us. We are giving him more responsiblity but also more freedom and it is soooo hard to let go!! I want him to be my baby forever even though I know that is not possible. I am looking foward to the year ahead and only wish him the best in whatever he decides to do. Happy Birthday, Anthony!!! We love you...
We had his birthday party a few weeks ago and her is a little snap shot of the party...
Friday, December 16, 2011
Photo Card
Captive Shot Birthday
Shutterfly has hundreds of birthday party invitation designs.
View the entire collection of cards.
Monday, September 5, 2011
Friday, July 22, 2011
The UGLY Truth
I sometimes catch my kids saying that they wish they were older. My 7 year old wants to be as old as his bigger bother so he can do everything that he does, my oldest son wants to be 16 so he can be in high school and drive. If they only knew just how great they have it. For the most part, their lives are pretty darn good. sI wish they knew just how much they will miss being a kid. I want them to enjoy their childhood because before they know it, REALITY STRIKES...
Now I am not saying that I want to keep my kids in a bubble or that I don't enjoy being an adult but as you get older, the ugly truth does come out. Life can sometimes throw you a curve ball. It is not alway puppies and rainbows... There are things in life that can Rock you to the core...Things, once out of the box, can never be put back. I learned that pretty early in my adult life. My mom was diagnosed with cancer when I was 22. Stage 4 Lung Cancer to be exact. Just hearing those words, I knew my life would never be the same. It was the hardest 10 months of my life but I was there for the good, the bad, and the Ugly...As much as I wish it didn't happen to her, I wouldn't have changed the last 10 months of her life. It is funny how in your darkest hour, joy can be present. I learned so much from her in those last days. I was grateful to have that time.
Her loss changed me in so many ways. I think I am a better mother and wife but I am also more aware that things can chance in a minute. I do try to cherish every day and be present in everything that I do.
The Ugly truth is that people get sick, people die, bad things happen to good people.... So, when it's good, I try to savor every moment.
Now I am not saying that I want to keep my kids in a bubble or that I don't enjoy being an adult but as you get older, the ugly truth does come out. Life can sometimes throw you a curve ball. It is not alway puppies and rainbows... There are things in life that can Rock you to the core...Things, once out of the box, can never be put back. I learned that pretty early in my adult life. My mom was diagnosed with cancer when I was 22. Stage 4 Lung Cancer to be exact. Just hearing those words, I knew my life would never be the same. It was the hardest 10 months of my life but I was there for the good, the bad, and the Ugly...As much as I wish it didn't happen to her, I wouldn't have changed the last 10 months of her life. It is funny how in your darkest hour, joy can be present. I learned so much from her in those last days. I was grateful to have that time.
Her loss changed me in so many ways. I think I am a better mother and wife but I am also more aware that things can chance in a minute. I do try to cherish every day and be present in everything that I do.
The Ugly truth is that people get sick, people die, bad things happen to good people.... So, when it's good, I try to savor every moment.
Thursday, June 9, 2011
This Boy
How is it that I feel that in the time it takes to write this sentence feels exactly like how much time has passed for my firstborn to be graduating from 5th grade? Where has the time gone? It seems like yesterday, I was knee deep in poopy diapers and spit up and now, he is a beautiful, kind,and generous young man.

He is the one that helped me learn to be a mama.. He is the one that helped me heal when my heart was broken from losing my own mother...
He is now growing up and I have to accept it.
I will start to loosen my grip but for now, we got to enjoy his last field trip. A ride on the Miss Buffalo. I am lucky because Anthony is not embarassed by me. He actually likes when I am at his field trips or activities... Most kids don't want their parents within a 10 foot range. I am LUCKY and I embrass this. This boy loves him Mama...

I was glad to be a part of this trip. It is a rite of passage for them. It is amazing to see how much they have all grown since Kindergarten.

I am sure Anthony will leave elementary school with fond memories. He has built some really strong friendships that I hope last a life time.

I wish nothing but the best for you, Anthony... As much as you think you are growing, you will always be my baby. It might take me a while to loosen that grip, but it s just because I love you so much. I wish I could freeze time and be able to savor this moment. You are an amazing young man and nothing but greatness is in store for you!! I am proud to e your Mom and love you with all my heart.
He is the one that helped me learn to be a mama.. He is the one that helped me heal when my heart was broken from losing my own mother...
He is now growing up and I have to accept it.
I will start to loosen my grip but for now, we got to enjoy his last field trip. A ride on the Miss Buffalo. I am lucky because Anthony is not embarassed by me. He actually likes when I am at his field trips or activities... Most kids don't want their parents within a 10 foot range. I am LUCKY and I embrass this. This boy loves him Mama...
I was glad to be a part of this trip. It is a rite of passage for them. It is amazing to see how much they have all grown since Kindergarten.
I am sure Anthony will leave elementary school with fond memories. He has built some really strong friendships that I hope last a life time.
I wish nothing but the best for you, Anthony... As much as you think you are growing, you will always be my baby. It might take me a while to loosen that grip, but it s just because I love you so much. I wish I could freeze time and be able to savor this moment. You are an amazing young man and nothing but greatness is in store for you!! I am proud to e your Mom and love you with all my heart.
Friday, April 15, 2011
Saturday, April 9, 2011
I really wish I knew what the hell I was doing when setting up this page... It is exhausting!!!
On March 31st, Evan turned 7. (I know, it has taken me a week to get to this post) My blond hair, blue eyed beauty is turning into a little man. He is definitely a clone of his father in every way.

I can't believe he is 7 already. He is every parents dream. He is kind, generous, polite, respectful, good in school, funny, and athletic. I could have asked for anything more in this little boy.
He brings me such joy.
This year we celebrated with his brother Nicholas because their birthdays are one week apart from each other. Being the awesome big brother that he is, Evan did not mind.
The only thing he requested was a Buffalo Sabres cake. And a Sabres Cake he had.

The party was fantastic. We got to celebrate with all of our family and friends. He loved the presents too...
I can't believe he is 7 already. He is every parents dream. He is kind, generous, polite, respectful, good in school, funny, and athletic. I could have asked for anything more in this little boy.
He brings me such joy.
This year we celebrated with his brother Nicholas because their birthdays are one week apart from each other. Being the awesome big brother that he is, Evan did not mind.
The only thing he requested was a Buffalo Sabres cake. And a Sabres Cake he had.
The party was fantastic. We got to celebrate with all of our family and friends. He loved the presents too...
Friday, March 25, 2011
Nicholas turns 1
Well, it happened, in a blink of an eye, my baby boy turned 1. How could 1 full year have gone by already? I remember like it was yesterday being in labor. Waiting and praying that Nicholas would be okay. Nicholas was measuring much bigger than my other two so they thought there might be complications with the delivery. I remember the moment they told me that I could grab him and I did. I pulled him to my chest and cried and kissed him and told him just how much I loved him. I cried because it was done. He was safe and healthy and in my arms. I will hold that moment forever in my heart. That began our love affair....
I cannot tell you how much that boy fills my heart with love. I can't even believe that we waited so long. He is an angel sent from heaven. He has been good since the day he was born. He hardly ever cries and when he does, it is usually able to be fixed in minutes. He is usually hungry or tired. He smile fills the room and his laugh is contangious. He is the craziest, curliest hair I have ever seen and beautiful brown eyes that I can stare in forever. I know that momma's are not suppose to have their favorites but I have to say, that boy melts my heart. (Even though all three of them have had the #1 spot on time or another and I am pretty sure tha will continue forever :))... It has been such a joy to get to know Nicolas. His little personality. The way he loves his paci and his blanket. The way he gets all excited in them morning when I get him out of bed or the way he snuggles with me right before he goes to bed. There are so many things I love about him, I could go on forever... I just can't believe my last baby is already 1. No more newborn, no more little baby.. He is growing up... I enjoy every minute of being his momma and look forward to the journey ahead.... There is nothing I enjoy more than being a mom to my 3 boys... My cup is definitely half full!!!!
(Happy Birthday, Nick)

(The Cake)

(The demolition of the cake)

(Our family)

(After Nick destroyed the cake)

(Nick's daycare party)

(Nick on his official birthday with his brothers)
I cannot tell you how much that boy fills my heart with love. I can't even believe that we waited so long. He is an angel sent from heaven. He has been good since the day he was born. He hardly ever cries and when he does, it is usually able to be fixed in minutes. He is usually hungry or tired. He smile fills the room and his laugh is contangious. He is the craziest, curliest hair I have ever seen and beautiful brown eyes that I can stare in forever. I know that momma's are not suppose to have their favorites but I have to say, that boy melts my heart. (Even though all three of them have had the #1 spot on time or another and I am pretty sure tha will continue forever :))... It has been such a joy to get to know Nicolas. His little personality. The way he loves his paci and his blanket. The way he gets all excited in them morning when I get him out of bed or the way he snuggles with me right before he goes to bed. There are so many things I love about him, I could go on forever... I just can't believe my last baby is already 1. No more newborn, no more little baby.. He is growing up... I enjoy every minute of being his momma and look forward to the journey ahead.... There is nothing I enjoy more than being a mom to my 3 boys... My cup is definitely half full!!!!
(Happy Birthday, Nick)
(The Cake)
(The demolition of the cake)
(Our family)
(After Nick destroyed the cake)
(Nick's daycare party)
(Nick on his official birthday with his brothers)
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Shut Out
Two years ago, if you would have said that Evan would be a sports fan that would be playing hockey, I would have laughed at you. Evan was never interested in sports. Not even a little. He hated going to his big brothers games. He was my shy little guy. He was interested in action figures, animals, and books. Who would have thought that would change overnight.
One day he turned into a hockey fan. I mean totally obsessed, knows all the player and their stats, hockey fan. He begged to play. I wanted to be a hockey player. We thought it was a phase so we would kind of blow it off. Sure someday you can play. We never thought he really wanted to play until he started asking everyday. We decided to give in. We told him he would have to learn how to skate first. He told us to put him in skating lessons asap. We scrambled to keep our work and find skating lessons. We found them and we went. The first lesson was sooo painful. He fell about 1000 times and it took everything that I had to not scoop him up and run. I didn't want my little boy hurt. But then I saw it.... DETERMINATION. Everytime he fell, he got up. He never cried. He was dead set on learning to skate. I have to admit, it made me a little emotional.

The next week I was nervous it would be more of the same. I could not stand to see him fall but to my surprise he could skate. He did really really well. Every lesson he got better and better. Once lessons were over, he wanted to play hockey.
He now plays for the mini mite league for Tonawanda. He loves it. The coach had asked in the beginning of the season to him know if our child wanted to play goalie. We weren't sure if we should tell him Evan wanted to or not. This is his first year and he is still learning to skate... Do we want to put that much pressure on him? Again, he kept asking when his turn would be so my husband finally told the coach that Evan wanted a chance at goalie. So, Evan got his chance on Feb 3rd. He was so excited that he could hardly sleep the night before. He couldn't wait to get on the ice.

Evan had quite a fan base that night. Nani, Grandpa Frank, Grandpa Mike, Uncle Mike, Uncle Joe, Uncle Jay, Uncle John and Aunt Claudia, and our neighbors Jake and Mazz came to cheer Evan on!!!
I was so nervous for my little boy but also so very excited. He has been waiting or this moment. I just didn't want his heart to be broken if he let too many goals in or if they lost. I know that is a part of the game but I was soo afraid for him.
As the game progressed, Evan was making save after save....(Earlier that day, Anthony had Evan in the driveway giving him pointers on how to goal tend. That was pricelss). He looked like a true goaltender.

My heart was beaming with pride for him. We were in the 3rd period and Evan had not let one goal in. His team was playing well and a win was in the bag and now as the clock ticked down, we thought, he just might get a shut out. The crowd was rouring for him.

Evan did get a Shut out that night. The coach was so excited for him, he took our camera and took pictures from where he was standing that night. He even gave us the score sheet to put in Evan's book to remember his first Shut Out. I could not have been more proud of him that night. It was one of those moments that you want to bottle up and never forget. He had worked so hard for this. Other parents from out team and the other team came over to congratulate him. He was on cloud 9. It looks like we might just have a up and coming goalie in the family...
One day he turned into a hockey fan. I mean totally obsessed, knows all the player and their stats, hockey fan. He begged to play. I wanted to be a hockey player. We thought it was a phase so we would kind of blow it off. Sure someday you can play. We never thought he really wanted to play until he started asking everyday. We decided to give in. We told him he would have to learn how to skate first. He told us to put him in skating lessons asap. We scrambled to keep our work and find skating lessons. We found them and we went. The first lesson was sooo painful. He fell about 1000 times and it took everything that I had to not scoop him up and run. I didn't want my little boy hurt. But then I saw it.... DETERMINATION. Everytime he fell, he got up. He never cried. He was dead set on learning to skate. I have to admit, it made me a little emotional.
The next week I was nervous it would be more of the same. I could not stand to see him fall but to my surprise he could skate. He did really really well. Every lesson he got better and better. Once lessons were over, he wanted to play hockey.
He now plays for the mini mite league for Tonawanda. He loves it. The coach had asked in the beginning of the season to him know if our child wanted to play goalie. We weren't sure if we should tell him Evan wanted to or not. This is his first year and he is still learning to skate... Do we want to put that much pressure on him? Again, he kept asking when his turn would be so my husband finally told the coach that Evan wanted a chance at goalie. So, Evan got his chance on Feb 3rd. He was so excited that he could hardly sleep the night before. He couldn't wait to get on the ice.
Evan had quite a fan base that night. Nani, Grandpa Frank, Grandpa Mike, Uncle Mike, Uncle Joe, Uncle Jay, Uncle John and Aunt Claudia, and our neighbors Jake and Mazz came to cheer Evan on!!!
I was so nervous for my little boy but also so very excited. He has been waiting or this moment. I just didn't want his heart to be broken if he let too many goals in or if they lost. I know that is a part of the game but I was soo afraid for him.
As the game progressed, Evan was making save after save....(Earlier that day, Anthony had Evan in the driveway giving him pointers on how to goal tend. That was pricelss). He looked like a true goaltender.
My heart was beaming with pride for him. We were in the 3rd period and Evan had not let one goal in. His team was playing well and a win was in the bag and now as the clock ticked down, we thought, he just might get a shut out. The crowd was rouring for him.
Evan did get a Shut out that night. The coach was so excited for him, he took our camera and took pictures from where he was standing that night. He even gave us the score sheet to put in Evan's book to remember his first Shut Out. I could not have been more proud of him that night. It was one of those moments that you want to bottle up and never forget. He had worked so hard for this. Other parents from out team and the other team came over to congratulate him. He was on cloud 9. It looks like we might just have a up and coming goalie in the family...
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