He is growing and changing everyday. His little personality comes out a little more each day too. He is the happiest baby that I have ever know. He is truly an Angel from Heaven...
I am enjoying every moment of getting to know him... I love the way his eyes dance when he sees us and when he learns a new trick.. He has recently figured out that he can play with his little toys. They all end up in his mouth but that's okay for now. He is a pure joy to watch. I love the little faces he makes too...
I can't imagine my life without him now. He brings so much to our family even though he is only 3 months old. The boys adore him and are very proud to be big brothers.
I am so lucky to be able to spend so much time with him too. I get to work from home a couple days a week so we are rarely apart. It is always a good day when you can work while a smiling baby is hanging out with you.
My husbands loves his snuggle time too... He is teaching him young to enjoy napping... (My husband's favorite pastime)
Nick is also doing great at tummy time...He is learing from his big brother, Evan ... I thought this picture was so cute.. This was the 1st time Nick really pushed himself up.
All in all, Nick is fitting in just perfectly...we can't wait for the adventures ahead....